Wednesday 27 March 2013

Gold watches and sports cars.

 Call yourself a fan? Finish this.

Who wants Rolex and Ferrari's when you can have:

a: Beer and sex
b: Sandwiches
c. Truffles and wine.

Why invest your time and efforts into this when you only want one thing.

And that thing is:

answers on a postcard people.

The cleveland show returns next week with an all new episode.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

A note to self..

Don't watch episodes of The Cleveland Show, intending to blog, at 2am and very tired.

I'm sorry guys, i've let you down a bit here.

Nothing personal, but if i can't keep my eyes open, you'll just have awful unintended puns as a review instead of actual content.

And if the spelling here isn't what up to a uni students level. Then you know why.

I'm too tired to spell check.

I hope you are all good in yourselves anyway.


A dogs for life not just for christmas.

(and the 5th of november)

Friday 1 March 2013

I've been away for a bit...

So this weeks (or last weeks i should say) cleveland show basically begins with Cleveland’s mom, (Cookie) running away with George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars because Freight Train missed their anniversary party. So, Freight Train and Cleveland go to find her. And that is essentially it. You may think that my brief and unaccountable description means that i didn't like this episode? Well you would be wrong! Completely wrong. Utterly... stipidly.. suicidely wrong. And why? i hear you cry??

Because i haven't actually watched it yet.

Till next week my pretties x