Saturday 9 November 2013

And we're here

The news we have been waiting for. Hoping for. Dreaming of.

And it's bad news :( I'm afraid that The Cleveland Show has not been re-commissioned for a new season. There will not be a season 3 of The Cleveland Show.

So what do we make of such news. Well i'm tying a noose as we speak. Such sadness becomes me.. that i cannot.. i just can'tr. It's like, all has been lost. Not that all i have is The Cleveland Show. But, what i have is nothing in comparison. NOTHING ATALL.

And what will become of Statue-of-duplicity? Well, i think we'll just keep this... Just incase. You remember family guy right? Well that rose from the dead, why can't Cleveland follow the same?

You know what would be good? If Cleveland moved back to Cohog, taking his bath with him, and just making a new start of it all?

So don't worry readers, this won't be the last you will here! The Cleveland Show still has plenty more to Throw Up your way!

So much love readers!


Monday 8 July 2013

6 stars and counting

Still no news my friend in regards to season 5. Let us hope however. And even if the worst happens, (which we pray to the seven gods it shall not) we can always aim for a family guy esc saga, whith the riseing from the ashes malarky :)

Point made. 6 star holdays anyone?

Thursday 6 June 2013

The end is here.

Yes. Alas. Alas to the minutes. Who are quietly awaiting promised moments, counting down? Wishing life away. Well that is no more. For the end of season four is here. And what a season it has been. Highs, lows, comical and hilarious are just some of the adjectives defining this years Cleveland show. To be honest with you, I always thought summer was my favourite season, but here I stand in 2013 stating season 4 has been the best. We don't yet know if season 5 has been commissioned, but here at statue of duplicity HQ we'll be praying for the obvious. And why would they not?! With a diamond show stuffed with assets, they would be moronic not too!

Let me know what you thought in our comments section, if there are any questions or posts you want to see, well you know what to do. Stay tuned however as we'll still be shouting to the internet our usual ADHD fuelled rants.


Saturday 1 June 2013

New Luxury Cars - 2013 2014

New luxury cars are the fastest off the shelf product this year. Not only do these sleak designs pull in the crowd but the clean lines and smart finish screams sexy to even the prudish of grandmothers.

Buying new cars is a joy not a task. The latest collection of the fastes ferrari cars. Why pay for sex again when you can drive her for free. Doller doller, vroom vroom!

Monday 13 May 2013

Mac and cheese for breakfast? Mmm. Mac and cheese again for breakfast? hrm

My name is Cleveland brown and I am proud to be…

My happy moustache face... this is the Cleveland blog!

And don’t we all want candy bars. Don’t we all. Shakespeare in love or football? Well as I’m English football is commonly known as soccer to Americans. And Football is pretty much a wimpy version of rugby. Just with different.. and erm.. more well protected balls. Lol.

Strange however that draws mean the same in English slang. Underwear.

The best moment of this episode.. Possibly series... has been Cleveland Juniors ‘on whose authority’

I think that should become a meme. If there are any memers out there. You know what to do.
I would also add that Cleveland’s request of Donna to bring him photograughs of when he was young and pretty.

Well I don’t think that ever even happened.

So what’s been going on in the world of Statue of Duplicity? Not a hell of allot. Humph.

Fun fact for you though! Statue of duplicity came from the statue of liberty being replaced for cleaning. How iconic. We have much love for New York here at blogger central. Holidays to New York would be divine. If you ever notice the tag of raving its way across the copper skirt of liberty... well you just know I’ve been there!

I hope you are all well my readers. In statistic news, traffic has increased by over 300% in the past month. I have no idea why. I really don’t.
This weeks picture is of Rilo facing what everyone faces at one time or another. The nagging of a loved one.

Is that top bunk taken? Please don't knock my teeth out :(
Nighty! xx

Sunday 14 April 2013

Three times a lady, 4 times a slag.

How cute was Rallo dancing down the isles? Yes. Amazingly.

But some considerations for you. Not only am I in love with The Cleveland Show, but it would seem anything that Seth Macfarlane seems to spew out, I have a love for. I'm not sure if it's his talent for great television, but I would throw tickets to 5 star luxury holidays, for an episode of American Dad, or Family Guy. And this bought me to a question. The question being, which show holds my favourite character? And here I may shock you. Cleveland? No. Rallo? No. Junior? JUNIOR? Hell no! The kid needs to learn self control and stop promoting that fat is fine. Cos it's not. And I've seen his work in action. And it's not good. But that's a wholllle different blog post.. On a whole different subject. So we'll leave that there. 

So which one do I love the most? Which one makes me watch with diamond studded eyes pinpointed towards the television? (Well actually I watch 99% of my viewing online)
No the golden boy for me has to be Rodger, and his many many aliases. Yes, he by far has been glued. I don't know what it is, maybe it's his attitude, maybe I have a thing for fat aliens with grey skin (Corr) but I do believe, and strongly promote Rodger to be the best character in my opinion. 

So a slightly off course post today, but hey what is life without impulse? And following the off topic theme.. I give you a picture of Rodger the Alien. If you don't know where he's from, and have never tuned in to watch the Ferrari of adult entertainment, American Dad is the one to watch. 

Have fun my beautiful people of the world. And much love. 

By the way, I'm also a huge good wife fan. Please sign the petition regarding moving the good wife to a uninterupted slot for the beginning of season 5. Because it's killing me. It really is! Thank you :) and much love! You can sign this here and i'll actually love you.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

It's been a tough few weeks.

But be assured The Cleveland Show returns soon. And the waiting? It's killing me. But that's fine. I have the beauty of reviewing season two.

And what's changed? I would describe this as puberty. It's like everyone is growing up around us and we're just sat here being nolstalgic?

It's not like i don't the like the way things are, in some ways it's better, but i miss the comfort of the old. I think everyone here can agree with that feeling.

But is it best to do nothing and spend our moments wishing for the days when things were worth living for? Can things move forward whilst we're looking back? Surely, life has more than this experience. Than the same day in day out. Things need to change and that's because it's for the better. It's evolution, people grow. They move on. It's not that they didn't like it. It's not like they hated their time with you. But everyone has dreams and ambitions. The calibra might be low? but nothing is perfect, yet we still all strive for lifestyle perfection? And that's what makes us move on.

One day, everything will change on their own. Out of sheer fate. And you won't have the options of today anymore. Maybe ages catches you. Maybe your safety net breaks. Maybe the person you rely on most isn't there anymore. Soon you'll loose your control.

So It's time too look forward now. Make plans. Small goals. That won't get you far, but they'll move you. An inclination of better things to come.

This is for you my feak x

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Gold watches and sports cars.

 Call yourself a fan? Finish this.

Who wants Rolex and Ferrari's when you can have:

a: Beer and sex
b: Sandwiches
c. Truffles and wine.

Why invest your time and efforts into this when you only want one thing.

And that thing is:

answers on a postcard people.

The cleveland show returns next week with an all new episode.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

A note to self..

Don't watch episodes of The Cleveland Show, intending to blog, at 2am and very tired.

I'm sorry guys, i've let you down a bit here.

Nothing personal, but if i can't keep my eyes open, you'll just have awful unintended puns as a review instead of actual content.

And if the spelling here isn't what up to a uni students level. Then you know why.

I'm too tired to spell check.

I hope you are all good in yourselves anyway.


A dogs for life not just for christmas.

(and the 5th of november)

Friday 1 March 2013

I've been away for a bit...

So this weeks (or last weeks i should say) cleveland show basically begins with Cleveland’s mom, (Cookie) running away with George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars because Freight Train missed their anniversary party. So, Freight Train and Cleveland go to find her. And that is essentially it. You may think that my brief and unaccountable description means that i didn't like this episode? Well you would be wrong! Completely wrong. Utterly... stipidly.. suicidely wrong. And why? i hear you cry??

Because i haven't actually watched it yet.

Till next week my pretties x

Saturday 23 February 2013

We are having a holiday...

Much to blog about though hey! Watch this space for two star studded reviews!


Wednesday 30 January 2013

World series

So where are we with this weeks episode? Well, The Brown-Tubbs family travels the world in a roflpot series of internationally-themed segments. Lolephant. First the Stoolbend-based clan is in Italy where Cleveland chooses between Rallo, um some giggles here, main laughs come from a mob-style parody just behind. Then, in Mexico, Junior insists on having a Quinceanera, even though he’s a boy. Hell did i know what that was. Infact i don't think i know what it is even now? Being an englishman all i know is crumpets and tea obviously. The cleveland show just vomits locations here as next we're in Japan where Cleveland builds a robot to attend Junior’s eating competition when he can’t be there himself. Don't we all need one of them? I however would mainly use it for situations i don't want to attend, as i think many of you would aswell.

So in conclusion. This episode was a good one. I know i've had my bitter rants on here, but no i appreciate here . Form a queue people. We're applauding awkwardly.

Monday 14 January 2013

This weeks Cleveland Show!

As i have said, I actually like Craig Robinson a lot and always have enjoyed him playing Cleveland’s dad for all these seasons, and this episode of  the Cleveland Show was no exceptionI feel like we always get Cleveland trying to prove his worth to either Donna or his parents every other week and it just sort of becomes run-of-the-mill at this juncture, this storyline is now starting to drag a little. The other plot was pretty funny however and I sometimes forget how adorable Rallo and Junior can be, and this was shown during their pirate fight. Also, I loved the dog with Rallo and Donna’s threats towards Larry was pretty hysterical. Hell, maybe if we had less of Cleveland, this would’ve been a decent episode, but alas mediocrity is the name of the game this week. There have been better. But i'm in love so till the same time next week!

Monday 7 January 2013


I'm afraid yesterdays episode has been delayed till the 13th of January 2013.

Join me in hate for whoever caused this.


Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Cleveland Show returns Jan 2013!

The Cleveland Show will return to our screens on Januray 6th 2013 in a new episode 'Hustle 'N' Bros'!

In this episode,  Cleveland is furious when Donna's ex-husband, Robert, crashes Freight Train's birthday party and upstages Cleveland's gift for his dad. To make matters worse, Freight Train officially adopts Robert, and Cleveland must learn to get along with his new "brother". Meanwhile, to pay off a bet they owe to Donna, Rallo and Junior become "dog bounty hunters", tracking down lost pooches, returning them to their owners and collecting the rewards.

Not that i get a preview :*(
Happy new year guys :D

The Clevland Show returns to our screen in 2013