Wednesday 3 April 2013

It's been a tough few weeks.

But be assured The Cleveland Show returns soon. And the waiting? It's killing me. But that's fine. I have the beauty of reviewing season two.

And what's changed? I would describe this as puberty. It's like everyone is growing up around us and we're just sat here being nolstalgic?

It's not like i don't the like the way things are, in some ways it's better, but i miss the comfort of the old. I think everyone here can agree with that feeling.

But is it best to do nothing and spend our moments wishing for the days when things were worth living for? Can things move forward whilst we're looking back? Surely, life has more than this experience. Than the same day in day out. Things need to change and that's because it's for the better. It's evolution, people grow. They move on. It's not that they didn't like it. It's not like they hated their time with you. But everyone has dreams and ambitions. The calibra might be low? but nothing is perfect, yet we still all strive for lifestyle perfection? And that's what makes us move on.

One day, everything will change on their own. Out of sheer fate. And you won't have the options of today anymore. Maybe ages catches you. Maybe your safety net breaks. Maybe the person you rely on most isn't there anymore. Soon you'll loose your control.

So It's time too look forward now. Make plans. Small goals. That won't get you far, but they'll move you. An inclination of better things to come.

This is for you my feak x

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