Wednesday 5 December 2012

Okay, let us have a little survey?

Okay, so I want to settle something that came to mind. IF, any of my readers have had a vasectomy, whilst drunk, comment.. message.. do something to let me know. Because honestly! Who gets a vasectomy when drunk? I mean seriously.

And come on, if you're a lady? And you're about to give birth to a pillow? Do you go to hospital? Do you? Really?

I'm sitting here.. And I’m questioning this episode? It's not that I don't like it? And I hardly watch to make distinctions between The Cleveland Show and reality? But I don't want this to be one of those blogs which are all YES YES YES, without the Nos... If you get my drift. This blog should be objective.. so here it goes.

No.. just no. Let’s face it. The writers of the Cleveland show have failed here. And I don't mean failed as in.. Oh pants. I mean failed as in you actually produced this? I would ask what you've smoked but as I strongly believe that you were probably smoking something whilst producing the other two series.. It would probably better if I pelted you with weed whilst yelling at you for quitting.

I lied before... i didn't like it.

And this week’s image of the week *dun dun dunnn* illustrates the age I think the writers of this episode are.
Poor show guys... poor show.

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